As Solar Panel Efficiencies Keep Improving Its Time To Adopt Some New Metrics

As Solar Panel Efficiencies Keep Improving Its Time To Adopt Some New Metrics

A lot of attention has been paid to the declining costs of installed solar panels in the past few years, and the increasingly feasible drive towards grid parity in the United States.  Recent numbers from the Solar Energy Industry Association indicate that the average cost of an installed watt has fallen by 24.4 percent since just last year.

I have noted in previous posts that this has largely been a consequence of falling �hard� costs � that is, costs associated primarily with the panels, racks and inverters (largely a consequence of relatively low-cost photovoltaic panels imported from China).

Soft costs are starting to fall as well.  Such costs involve financing, customer acquisition, and permitting.  Financial engineering � specifically third party ownership, has increased the efficiency of financing and helped to lower costs there.  Customer acquisition costs will be the next frontier as online processes for on-site design, selection of vendors, and determination of financing mechanisms are made simpler and easier for customers.  Permitting may eventually be streamlined as well, so that it becomes less of a walk through the former Yugoslavia for vendors attempting to sell into various markets.

But there is another piece of the equation that is improving the economics of the solar industry and that is the steady and relentless increase in panel efficiencies themselves.  In other words, how well the PV cells convert sunlight into electric power.  Since the average conventional panel currently possesses a conversion efficiency rate of between 15% and 16%, a very small improvement in that number can represent a significant increase in total output.

A while ago, I was able to briefly interview Dave DeGraaff, SunPower�s general manager in the module products group about the progress being made with respect to growing panel efficiencies.  SunPower knows a good deal about such matters, since they have some of the most efficient panels in the industry and keep pushing the envelope.  Their E Series panels currently enjoy one of the highest conversion rates, at over 20.5%. Their new X Series panel currently stands at 21.5%, and it�s projected to increase to 23% by 2015. SunPower�s Efficiency Roadmap shows an overall absolute efficiency improvement of 6% over the eight-year period from 2007 to 2015 (from 17 to 23%).  This is a big selling point for the company, since you can get 60% more energy from the same space.

DeGraaff noted that not all modules are the same, but by and large, there is a steady momentum towards increasing conversion rates across the industry.  His observation is buttressed by the work of GTM Research.  GTM � a respected source of information in the field � indicates that the average increase in efficiency of conventional panels is likely to improve by approximately 2% over 7 years, or an average of about 0.3% annually.  This is consistent with information presented at Photon International 2013, illustrating an improvement of about 4% since the year 2000.  This doesn�t seem like much at first glance, but an increase of an additional 2% from 16% to 18%, is a large relative increase, boosting overall electricity output by about 12.5% relative to the initial baseline.  This will further improve the value of solar investments, since one will get that much more output for the same investment.

It also raises an interesting question.  If the average watt of solar installed in 2000 yielded a conversion efficiency of just over 11% and a watt today boasts 15 to 20%, when do we stop referring to PVs in terms of watts installed and begin to focus on the real value, which is the lifetime cost per kilowatt-hour produced. And since Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (additional subsidies provided in some markets) are denominated in kilowatt-hours, it would seem high time to change the metric to reflect cost per kilowatt-hour generated.  While not perfect (panel output varies as a consequence of location, ambient heat, and other factors), this would start to help facilitate an apples-to-apples comparison and take this dynamic of ever increasing conversion efficiencies into account.  These technological improvements are too big to ignore.

In part, to address this dynamic, the Principal Solar Institute (PSI � funded by Principal Solar Incorporated and other entities to advance the cause of solar) developed a ratings system last year which is based on data provided by the manufacturers.  According to the Institute�s executive director Matthew Thompson, it�s the lifetime energy production that really matters. �Two different PV modules can have the same nameplate wattage but produce different amounts of electricity because of different manufacturing processes. There are certain measurable characteristics that account for this energy difference. We have a built a model that uses the module characteristics published in the manufacturers� data sheets to calculate the energy produced over a 25 year operating lifetime. Our model uses realistic daily sunlight and temperature ranges to calculate lifetime energy production (LEP). The PSI PV Module Rating is determined by dividing this LEP by the energy that would be produced by an ideal module.�

The ratings system takes seven variables into account to calculate the LEP, including:

1)actual maximum tested power versus advertised power produced versus that advertised � this value is obtained from an independent testing lab

2)deviation from the design � this number is published by the manufacturer and goes to quality control

3)performance relative to ambient temperature � higher temperatures lessen performance � this number comes from an independent lab

4)nominal operating cell temperature � cells produce their own heat which lowers overall levels of production

5)power at low irradiance/high irradiance � performance varies at different lighting levels

6)annual power reduction � degradation of cells and output occurs over time

7)total area efficiency � wattage in panels is concentrated at varying efficiencies.  If space is limited, that matters.

Thompson explained something that is obvious to those familiar with solar, but less so for the casual observer: You can�t just rate a panel and state that a specific panel produces x kilowatt-hours over its lifetime, because location greatly affects the solar radiation available and hence the corresponding output.

�We do calculate a lifetime kWh figure in the model.  But because solar intensity varies regionally, we don�t and cannot provide a meaningful absolute number.  But what we have here is the ability to do side-by-side comparisons. We do hope to develop a more sophisticated model, with zip codes, so we could compare side by side at a specific location.  If we were to do this we would subscribe to a numerical database with irradiance and temperature � those are the two most important factors � and do calculations ourselves.�

�Nobody else is doing the same ratings as we are.  You can go to the National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) site and pull up lots of useful information, but what we wanted to do was provide something both simple and comprehensive using the principal characteristics and allow the panels to be compared to each other.�

Being a year old, the rating system has still not been widely adopted, but progress is being made.  Thompson noted �I don�t think there�s yet been widespread adoption.  But we�ve had a good response and routinely get inquiries from companies and consumers about modules not listed on our ratings webpage.  We have evaluated over 12,000 PV modules and provide ratings for the top 500 PV modules in two categories: crystalline/polycrystalline and thin film. And we continue to promulgate awareness through our webinars, white papers, and social media.  It is catching on.  We recently found out that the initiative Solarize Frederick County, MD was working to develop an incentive program and wanted a select group of installers and developers.  So they asked the developers to provide the PSI Rating or equivalent in their response to the RFP. It was a nice confirmation that our rating system had broad applications. �

One of the benefits of the PSI approach is that they utilize a model with a proprietary algorithm to evaluate the cumulative impact of these key variables.  Since it utilizes manufacturer-provided data (some of which involves results from laboratory testing), the model can be used to provide comparison data on literally hundreds of panels within a short timeframe.

There is another key and complementary piece of the puzzle as well, and that involves testing actual performance and failure rates in accelerated simulated conditions.  This type of work is currently being undertaken by PV Evolution Laboratories (PVEL), and is time- and somewhat capital-intensive as it involves subjecting panels to simulated stressful environments for specific timeframes.  Such tests are meant to push panels to their limits, test for quality control, and provide investors with assurance that they�ve chosen the right modules for their investments � which may run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.  This process will be described in greater detail in a forthcoming post.

Without doubt, solar has come a long way as an industry, but it is still in its adolescent phase.  Over time, panel companies will fall by the wayside, but the survivors may well provide products with distinctly different selling points, such as SunPower does today.  Maturity of the industry will involve the discarding of a simple $/watt metric in favor of more sophisticated approaches, such as the cost of lifetime energy production.  New and more sophisticated testing procedures will become more commonplace as well.  The process of maturation in any industry is fraught with challenge and opportunity.  It will be that way for solar as well.

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